Why I Do What I Do

I don't write because of I have a deep passion
I don't write because I want to uplift someone's spirit
I don't write for those who can't
I don't write because I feel like relieving stress
I don't write for some self validation
I write because its someones passion to click on the link
I write because I need some uplifting
I write because I can
I write so that one day it catches someones eye
So one day they can say
"Wow this is really decent, and with some work this kid could be good"
I write so I can get that email
That call
Someone wanting to talk about the words I write
I do this so I can fulfill my dream
The dream that is constantly changing
The dream that will make everything all better
So I don't have to worry about that knock at my door
Praying to God it's not the bank
Praying and dreaming for the day where I can see my name on that deed
No one else
I do what I do not for me
Not for you
But my family
Once that dream is achieved I will go away
I'll be that one sHIT wonder that people will talk about for three years
I write because that's all that's left in me


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