
Showing posts from July, 2017


We all have them no matter what Some we like and Some we don't But we still have them Weather or not there a Digital Screen or A warm body We all have them and We all know that without them Life just wouldn't be worth Living

New Kid on The Blogg

PSA: My best friend just started a new Blog. Okay now she telling me to tell the truth and say I forced her but I didn't see her wave the laptop away when she was trying to figure out Title names. Anyway  if you guys could just give her a look. Now she is new so she might be weak sauce at first, but like wine everything ages better with time.


Sometimes I need someone there Sometimes I need someone to massage my hair Sometimes I need someone to look me in the eye and tell it like it is Sometimes I need someone to cuddle me Sometimes I need someone to be distant Sometimes I need someone who feels the same way I'm feeling Sometimes I need someone to cry with Sometimes I need someone to cry to Sometimes I need freedom to do what I gotta do Sometimes I like being the center of attention Sometimes I need the wake up call Sometimes I need some to tell me everything is okay Sometimes I need know I'm safe Sometimes I just need affection But all the time All the time I need someone to say I Love You

I also write Stories

For those of you that don't fancy poetry if you can even call this that -

Why I Do What I Do

I don't write because of I have a deep passion I don't write because I want to uplift someone's spirit I don't write for those who can't I don't write because I feel like relieving stress I don't write for some self validation I write because its someones passion to click on the link I write because I need some uplifting I write because I can I write so that one day it catches someones eye So one day they can say "Wow this is really decent, and with some work this kid could be good" I write so I can get that email That call Someone wanting to talk about the words I write I do this so I can fulfill my dream The dream that is constantly changing The dream that will make everything all better So I don't have to worry about that knock at my door Praying to God it's not the bank Praying and dreaming for the day where I can see my name on that deed No one else I do what I do not for me Not for you But my family Once that d


Sad the week is over Angry I have to go to work Tide of this Unbelievably hungry Rigorously working on life Daring to be different Always looking on the bright side Yearning to go home

Quote From My Boy Macklemore

I heard you die twice, once when they bury you in the grave And the second time is the last time that somebody mentions your name.  -Macklemore #Glorious 

Where Are You

A couple of nights ago I found myself sitting in a Denny's at 2 o'clock By myself Know one knowing where I am The next night I found myself further then I've ever walked before By myself Luckily someone asked me where I was The nights after just seemed like a blur or is it the nights that I was By myself that are the blur But I'll leave this one on a positive note When I came back home and opened the door I asked myself Where are you


"No good deed goes unpunished." -Clare Boothe Luce It's taken me two decades to figure out the meaning of the quote. Today I understand it to its full entirety. 

I love you.....

I love you You love me Let’s get together & Write some poetry 


Don't forget...       In order to become a Legend              You have to die first

Towards the Suns

"Turn your face towards the sun Let the shadows fall behind you"  -Rihanna