
Showing posts from August, 2017


You are forgiven for lieing You are forgiven for cheating You are forgiven for hurting You are forgiven for yelling You are forgiven for sinning against your fellow man You are forgiven for the psychological warfare  You are forgiven for the pain You are forgiven for the damage You are forgiven for the life you took You are forgiven for the life you corrupt  But you are never forgiven for loving to much

Tell Me Why

Why-(adv.) for what reason or purpose. Why do we cry Why do we hurt Why do we love Why do we keep going Why do people hurt one another Why do we hurt people Why do we sing Why do we dance Why do we kiss Why do we yell Why do we whisper Why do we look down Why do we look up Why do we stomp Run Jump Leap Gallop Why do we lie Why do we scream Why do we do what we do

The Lonely Girl

She wakes up by herself She made a pact with her gay best friend So in five years if all else fails they'll just marry one another She dressed for no one but her self She dances like no one is watching Because no one is She sings to the birds Because that's all she's got to sing to She eats whatever she wants She doesn't have to worry about her weight She takes her self out on dates She makes her self happy She rises above most Because no one tries to hold her back She goes to the movies alone And she goes shopping alone She pays her bills on time And is always late to an event She's the funniest out of all of her friends She's the spunkiest one in the room She owns her own car And she never has to share her pets At the end of the day she goes home Then She goes to bed by her self

She & They

She tells jokes They laugh She dances with no rhythm They clap She sings off key They gas her up She stumbles when she walks They watch She climbs a tree They video tape it She jumps in the poodle They get the hell out the way She hits that whip They hit the nay nay She stands They sit She falls They laugh She cries They tease She reaches out They walk away
"It's to cold out there. I ain't goin back to that life." - C.Bell